About Us
The Cass County Soil Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the State of North Dakota. Cass County was originally organized into four Soil Conservation Districts authorized by the North Dakota Soil Conservation District Law enacted in 1937 and as later amended.
Initially, four conservation districts were organized to divide the County; the Southeast Cass District, Rush River District, Northwest Cass District, and Maple River District. Later, the Maple River and Northwest Cass Districts were combined to form the West Cass District and the Southeast Cass and Rush River District were combined to form the East Cass District. In 1974, these two districts were combined to form one county entity forming the present Cass County Soil Conservation District.
The Cass County Soil Conservation District is responsible for carrying out programs of soil and water conservation on all lands within the District boundaries. This provides a means for all interested parties to work together in the conservation of natural resources.